The City of San Diego is home to one of the most vital and culturally diverse populations to be found anywhere in America. The Participant Observer is a web magazine dedicated to discovering and showcasing the wide variety of culturally interesting events, people, places, and organizations our city has to offer. Our continuously updated Events Calendar provides comprehensive information about current and forthcoming events in San Diego. In addition to covering local events, The Participant Observer publishes features and articles about cultural events and phenomena happening around the world. We urge you to explore the many other resources our site provides.

Become a master chef all while discovering Little Italy's charming mercato - a bustling, open-air farmers market. In the company of our guide, you'll meet the local characters from the neighborhood at the market. Immerse yourself in Little Italy's authentic flavors and aromas. By the end of your market stroll, you'll know where to find the best sun-kissed tomatoes in town.

Your chef-guide is Italian-born Californian. His inside connections with local vendors will give you access the freshest food in town. First, we'll select together authentic Italian ingredients at the mercato. Along the way, you'll hear about the history of Little Italy and Italian cuisine. You'll then partake in a cooking lesson and meal in our Italian chef's home!

With your Italian chef, you'll prep 3 dishes from scratch. The menu will vary based on what's seasonal. You'll learn to prep 1 appetizer and 2 main courses
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