7:30 pm - Wednesday, November 15

Book Talk: Jessica Keith

Warwick's, 7812 Girard Ave , La Jolla

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Warwick's will host Jessica Keith as she discusses and signs her new book, Saying Inshallah With Chutzpah: A Gefilte Fish Out of Water Story. Jessica Keith is a professor of Cross-Cultural Communication, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, at San Diego State University. She has worked for two foreign governments, The Embassy of Spain and The Consulate of Kuwait. A Community Action Research Grant from the American Association of University Women funded her opportunity to develop and produce an award-winning documentary, Beyond Our Boundaries. Her bluntness combined with vulnerability has grown her audience with publications in The New York Times, Kveller, McSweeney's, Scary Mommy, Uptown News, Sammiches and Psych Meds, PJ Library, Medium, and Blunt Moms. As a freelance writer, she intertwines Jewish culture with Black ties, love, motherhood, mental health, and celebrities. She lives in sunny San Diego with her soulmate and their three children, the family's first generation of Black Jews.

Reserved Seating is available when Saying Inshallah With Chutzpah is pre-ordered from Warwick's through the linked green "Reserve Seats Here" button above. Only books purchased from Warwick's will be signed. Please call the Warwick's Book Dept. (858) 454-0347 for details.

From floundering to navigating, this gefilte-fish-out-of-water story follows the unorthodox path of a Jewish woman working for a Muslim government.

"Marrying one woman is like eating chicken every day for the rest of your life," the cultural attaché—a.k.a. my boss—warned the week before my Jewish wedding. I replied, "I like chicken."

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

7812 Girard Ave
La Jolla, CA 92037

Wednesday, November 15 - 7:30 PM