3:00 pm - Saturday, September 30

Film: A Rising Fury

Theatre Box, 701 Fifth Avenue, San Diego

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House of Ukraine and Leleka Foundation invite everyone to the screening of a powerful Ukrainian documentary followed by a Q&A session with the brave Filmmakers! It’s a unique opportunity to ask about their experience making the movie and current situation in Ukraine. The film, "A Rising Fury," follows a couple of hopeful Ukrainian idealists from the time they met at the peaceful protest in Kyiv in 2013 to the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Directed by Lesya Kalynska and co-produced by TJ Collins, Jonathan Borge Lie, and co-directed by Ruslan Batytskyi. The panel features Lesya Kalynska, Co-Director, Screenwriter, Director and Producer of “A Rising Fury”, and TJ Collins, Producer of “A Rising Fury”. The event aims to raise funds for medical backpacks for doctors working on the evacuation of wounded Ukrainian defenders and civilians, as well as support for a next documentary by Lesya Kalynska.

Admission/Cost: $30.00

Theatre Box
701 Fifth Avenue
San Diego, CA

Saturday, September 30 - 3:00 AM to 7:00 PM