7:30 pm - Tuesday, June 11

Book Signing: Elizabeth Cobbs

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Warwick's will host Elizabeth Cobbs as she discusses and signs her new book, The Tubman Command. An award-winning novelist, historian, and documentary filmmaker, Elizabeth Cobbs is the author of eight books, including the New York Times bestselling novel, The Hamilton Affair, and The Hello Girls: America?s First Women Soldiers. Elizabeth earned her Ph.D. in American history at Stanford University. She holds the Melbern Glasscock Chair at Texas A&M University and is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University?s Hoover Institution. She lives in La Mesa, California. This event is free and open to the public. Reserved Seating is available when the book is pre-ordered from Warwick's for the event. Only books purchased from Warwick's will be signed. Please call the Warwick's Book Dept. (858) 454-0347 for details.

Admission/Cost: FREE

7812 Girard Ave
La Jolla, CA 92037

Tuesday, June 11 - 7:30 PM