
The following is a list of cross-cultural organizations operating in San Diego. Most of these organization we are fully aware of the organizations and the work they do. Some are new two us. The links will take you to the organization's home pages. In most cases, there will be a link to a donation or support page where you can make donations or learn how you can help. Please note that the Worldview Project (publishers of the San Diego Participant Observer) is offering this list as doing so follows our mission. We do not receive any monetary or tangible benefit for listing an organization. We just want to help you and fulfill our mission to promote greater cross-cultural awareness, understanding, and engagement. This is what we do. Again, we are familiar with most of these organizations, but not all, we leave the task up to you to determine what organizations are best to support through your own considerations and research. With the wilful degeneration of federal funding, these organizations are at grave risk of not being able to continue, maintain, or expand the good work they do. All will appreciate your generosity! Please let us know if there are any organizations we should consider adding to the list (submission guidelines).

* The House of Pacific Relations is the umbrella organization for what are collective known as the "International Cottages" in Balboa Park.  All of these "houses" are organized under their own separate non-profit organizations.  On the HPR website you will find links to the individual houses. Check the webpages for the individual houses to see how you can donate or become involved in their work.

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