10:00 am - Saturday, September 28

Talk: The Peranakan Chinese:

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This talk will feature author, educator and cultural activist, Dr. Lee Su Kim. Dr. Kim was an Associate Professor at the School of Language Studies & Linguistics at the National University of Malaysia specializing in language, culture, and identity. Her Doctorate in Education explores complex language-identity linkages of English language speakers in Malaysia. She is a sixth-generation Nyonya from Kuala Lumpur, with paternal and maternal links to the Peranakan communities in Malacca and Penang. Active in culture and heritage advocacy, she is a founding member and Founding President of the Peranakan Baba Nyonya Association of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Zoom meeting

Saturday, September 28 - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM