- Thursday, September 5

SDIFF: Kripton

Museum of Photographic Arts, Balboa Park, San Diego

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Kripton investigates the lives of six young people, voluntarily hospitalized in two psychiatric communities on the outskirts of Rome. They struggle with personality disorders and serious states of alteration. Through the story of the daily lives of our protagonists, of the relationships they have with each other, and with the world made up of psychiatrists, professionals and families, the film leads us to explore human subjectivity in depth. The extreme condition of mental disorder becomes the key to approaching the mysterious abyss of our minds and, at the same time, a possible metaphor for our time.
In Italian with English subtitles.

Admission/Cost: $7 - $16

Museum of Photographic Arts
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Sunday, October 6 - 7:00 PM

For more information, please visit: www.sandiegoitalianfilmfestival.com