2:00 pm - Sunday, August 4

The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever

Pacific Beach Library, 1049 Thomas Avenue, San Diego

Music/Dance Download To My Calendar

Whether you are more a fan of Emily Bronte's classic 1847 novel "Wuthering Heights" or Kate Bush's 1978 song adaptation, we invite you to express your inner Cathy at The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever! All ages, genders, and abilities are invited to don a red dress and dance to Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" in the Pacific Beach Library's park, using the moves that Kate Bush immortalized in her music video. Afterwards we invite you to hang out in our park for tea, snacks, and music.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Pacific Beach Library
1049 Thomas Avenue
San Diego, CA

Sunday, August 4 - 2:00 PM