7:00 pm - Monday, June 17

Songs of the East: At the Villa 

Villa Montezuma Museum, 1925 K Street, San Diego

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One evening each month, Cinballera hosts its own monthly opera night, Cinballera Salon: Opera at the Villa. This month will be an exotic adventure to the Orient, a musical journey through India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Persia, Turkey, China, and Japan. The Middle East and Far East come to life through opera arias and art songs set in oriental countries, with repertoire ranging from beloved Puccini classics to obscure British art songs. All proceeds benefit the two non-profit organizations, Cinballera and Friends of the Villa Montezuma, Inc, and pay the performers involved.

Admission/Cost: Free - $25

Villa Montezuma Museum
1925 K Street
San Diego, CA

Monday, June 17 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM