6:00 pm - Thursday, May 16

Talk: Archaeological Oddities, Frauds, and Mysteries

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Is there archaeological evidence that giant, human-like creatures once walked the Earth? Did the Lost Tribes of Israel visit New Mexico, etching the Ten Commandments into a boulder? Did Native Americans encounter visitors from other planets, painting images of space-suited aliens on canyon walls in Utah? Have archaeologists discovered the far western outpost of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, not in Egypt but in California? This Zoom lecture with Dr. Ken Feder will reveal the truth underlying these and many other ancient mysteries. Spoiler alert: The answer to each of them is a resolute “no!” Nevertheless, the stories behind these and other wild claims about the ancient past are fascinating and occasionally a little hilarious. As a bonus, we will tell you how you can personally visit these places and see them for yourselves.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Online Zoom Lecture

Thursday, May 16 - 6:00 PM