11:00 am - Friday, November 3

Celebrating Indigenous Voices: Reading & Discussion with Miguel Ángel Oxlaj

Geisel Library, UCSD, San Diego

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This event will be hosted entirely in Spanish. Registration is not required.

This event seeks to bring to campus Indigenous voices for a day of lectures and poetry readings. It seeks to celebrate and build bridges between Chicanx/Latinx students and Indigenous intellectuals from Guatemala and Mexico. Over all, it seeks to celebrate Latin American heritage and create strong relationships.

Miguel Ángel Oxlaj is a Maya Kaqchikel writer, labor and social activist communicating in indigenous languages via digital platforms, from Chi Xot (Comalpa, Guatemala).

“Celebrating Indigenous Voices” is hosted as part of UC San Diego’s Latinx Heritage Month.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Geisel Library, Seuss Room
San Diego, CA

Friday, November 3 - 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM