7:00 pm - Wednesday, November 1

Film and Q&A: Crossings

Museum of Us, Balboa Park, San Diego

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To reflect on border impacts worldwide, the Museum of Us will be screening the documentary “Crossings” in the Museum's Administration Building, followed by a Q&A with award-winning filmmaker Deann Borshay Liem.

In Crossings, a group of international women peacemakers sets out on a risky journey across the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, calling for an end to a 70-year war that has divided the Korean peninsula and its people. The groundbreaking mission of Women Cross DMZ is captured in an intimate cinema vérité style, framed with historic newsreels of the Korean War and punctuated with dramatic contemporary news coverage.

Admission/Cost: $10 (Registration is required)

Museum of Us (formerly the Museum of Man)
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Wednesday, November 1 - 7:00 PM