6:00 pm - Thursday, October 19

Talk: Toleration as a Political Virtue, Early Modern Developments

Humanities Center, UCSD, San Diego

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It has been argued that our current political climate is one of a troubling crisis of civility and dysfunction. This situation invites us to consider whether there are certain modes of behavior that are more conducive to political flourishing than others — and, indeed, if there are certain virtues that would be important for us as citizens to develop and practice. Thus, this series will examine the notion of the ‘political virtues,’ specifically as this notion was discussed throughout the Renaissance and early modern period. It is hoped that examining these formative discussions from the past will shed light on what political virtue might be, and how it might be relevant for our time and place. Coordinated by Holly Hamilton-Bleakley, PhD, director of Medieval and Renaissance studies and lecturer in the philosophy department.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Humanities Center
San Diego, CA

Thursday, October 19 - 6:00 PM