6:00 pm - Sunday, September 10

Monologos de la Vagina

The Magnolia, 210 E Main St , El Cajon

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Come and enjoy a play with a high human content that possesses deeply emotional moments, while also making you laugh uncontrollably! The plot explores female sexuality and its starting point, resulting from over 200 interviews conducted by the American author Eve Ensler, who questioned women of diverse nationalities. Ensler asked them questions that delved into the most intimate aspects of their lives. The answers were a rich mix of ages, races, and social strata, resulting in unexpected, humorous, and poignant responses.

Note: It seems likely that this play is in Spanish.

Admission/Cost: $35 - $105

The Magnolia
210 E Main St
El Cajon, CA 92020

Sunday, September 10 - 6:00 PM