3:00 pm - Sunday, September 10

Talk: The Role of English-Russian Relations in Love’s Labour’s Lost

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In her book “Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan: The Role of English-Russian Relations in ‘Love’s Labours Lost’,” Dr. Rima Greenhill outlines an interpretation of the play rooted in diplomatic and trade relations between Russia and Elizabethan England during the decades following England’s discovery of a northern trade route to Muscovy in 1553.

Dr. Greenhill is a Senior Lecturer in Russian language in the department of Slavic languages and literatures at Stanford University. Prior to that she taught at the School of Slavonic and East European Languages, London University where she also received her PhD in Russian language and literature.

For more information visit: sandiegoshakespearesociety.org

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Online Streaming Event

Sunday, September 10 - 3:00 to 4:30 PM