10:00 am - Saturday, September 9

Flamenco Masterclass Workshops

Dorothea L. Dance Place, 2650 Truxtun Rd. Studio 106, San Diego, 92106

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2023 Master Class Workshops of baile and cante with world renowned artists from Spain.


Open-level: Bulerias
instructor Carmen Ledesma (Spain).
Saturday Sept. 9th. 10:00 to 11:30 AM
Sunday Sept. 10th. 10:00 to 11:30 AM

Intermediate/Advanced level: Solea por Bulerias.
Instructor Valeria "La Chispa" Montes.
Saturday Sept. 9th. 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Sunday Sept. 10th. 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Cante and Palmas, open-level class
Instructors Sebastian Sanchez (Spain)
and Juani de la Isla (Spain).
Sunday Sept. 10th. 2:00 to 3:30PM

*Cost for dance workshops:
One workshop (2 days) $80.00 if paid before Sept. 4th.
If paid after Sept. 4th. $120.00

Two workshops (2 days) $150.00 if paid before Sept. 4th.
If paid after Sept. 4th. $190.00

Cost for Cante & Palmas workshop:
$80.00 paid before Sept. 4th.

One baile workshop + Cante& Palmas $150 if paid before Sept. 4th.
$190 if paid after Sept. 4th.

Full package 2 baile workshops + Cante&Palmas $220 If paid before Sept.4th.
$240 if paid after Sept. 4th.

Drop in for any of the classes $50.00
Drop in on the last day of any class full price. Students will be able to record and keep the video on the last day of workshops.

Admission/Cost: Via Venmo at https://venmo.com/u/Valeria-Montes-1

Dorothea L. Dance Place
2650 Truxtun Rd. Studio 106
San Diego, CA 92106

Dates and times:
Saturday, September 9 - 10:00 AM
Sunday, September 10 - 10:00 AM