7:00 pm - Thursday, August 24

Author Talk: Yunte Huang

D.G. Wills Books, 7461 Girard Avenue, San Diego

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Noted UCSB Professor Yunte Huang will read from and discuss his book Daughter of the Dragon: Anna May Wong's Rendezvous with American History. A trenchant reclamation of the Chinese American movie star, whose battles against cinematic exploitation and endemic racism are set against the currents of twentieth-century history. Born into the steam and starch of a Chinese laundry, Anna May Wong (1905–1961) emerged from turn-of-the-century Los Angeles to become Old Hollywood’s most famous Chinese American actress, a screen siren who captivated global audiences and signed her publicity photos—with a touch of defiance—“Orientally yours.”

Admission/Cost: FREE

D.G. Wills Books
7461 Girard Avenue
San Diego, CA 92037

Thursday, August 24 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM