10:00 am - Saturday, June 3

Workshop: The Kumeyaay - Critical Awareness, Critical Activation

San Diego College of Continuing Education, 4343 Ocean View Blvd, San Diego

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Salaam is a San Diego-based nonprofit that advances allyship and solidarity through critical education. We are launching a ground-breaking new program, Critical Awareness - Critical Activation, designed to equip us to be effective allies in partnership with the diverse communities that make up our unique borderland.

This ground-breaking program is uniquely tailored for those who identify as white and want to go deeper in their awareness and activism efforts. Course content is primarily designed and taught by BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) educators.

Led by D. Encarnacion, we’ll learn about Kumeyaay's indigenous history and modern topics. D. Encarnacion holds degrees in Anthropology and Biology from San Diego State University and a Certificate of Specialization in Kumeyaay Studies from Kumeyaay Community College. For over ten years, she has been learning from Native scholars and sharing knowledge with others about indigenous cultures.

Titled the “Kumeyaay History and Perspectives - The Ipai/Tipai Nation”, this session will make the important case that the “Kumeyaay people are still here and have never left.” Deirdre will also highlight Spanish, Mexican, and American colonial “incursions” that, although devastating, have not defeated the Kumeyaay people who “remain resilient”. Modern systemic and institutional threats to the Kumeyaay people, such as the US-Mexico border, will also be discussed. Beyond understanding how to play a positive role today, by the end of the session you will also more deeply understand what is meant when you hear the important truism: You’re standing on Kumeyaay land.

We can’t wait for you to join us. We look forward to increasing our collective awareness and learning how to stand up in solidarity with the original, Kumeyaay people.

Please bring your reusable water bottles. Snacks will be provided and attendees will be automatically invited to a lunch following the event at a nearby location. Details will be sent to those who register.

Admission/Cost: $20

San Diego College of Continuing Education
4343 Ocean View Blvd
San Diego, CA 92113

Saturday, June 3 - 10:00 AM

For more information, please visit: www.salaamusa.org