7:30 pm - Saturday, May 20

Stage: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Stagehouse Theatre , Grossmont College, El Cajon

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A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. Directed by Jersten Seraile. Shakespeare's hilarious fairytale about the fickleness of love comes to life on our stage just in time for spring. Spend the evening in an enchanted forest filled with fairies, a quartet of confused royals, and a troupe of actors desperately trying to put on a play for the king.

Admission/Cost: $10 - $16

Stagehouse Theatre
Grossmont College
El Cajon, CA

Date and times:
From Thursday, May 18 to Saturday, May 27
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays - 7:30 PM
Saturday Matinees - 2:00 PM