Summary: Joël lived in Yemen for nearly 5 years, from 2005 to 2010, with the task of implementing the largest ever industrial project of Yemen – to build from scratch a plant that would liquefy natural gas piped from Yemeni fields located in the center of the country and exporting it from an export terminal at the southern coast.
This presentation will share some high-level data about Yemen, its vast geography and historical background and also personal insights into Ali Abdalah Saleh, the Yemeni president during his tenure. Joel will also talk about safety and security from his day-to-day experiences, the extraordinary beauty of the Yemeni landscapes and architecture, tribal customs around water scarcity, religion, cooking, music, the myths of the Queen of Sheba, Moka coffee and the pervasive practice of chewing “qat.”
About Joël Fort
As French national, Joël Fort spent his entire professional career of more than 43 years in the Oil and Gas industry, from 1973 to 2010 with what has ultimately become the TotalEnergies Group, and after leaving Total, as an international private consultant from 2010 to 201
Admission/Cost: Free - $10
Hall of Nations
Balboa Park
San Diegos, Ca
Thursday, April 11 - 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM