8:00 am - Saturday, March 18

Fundraiser: Walk for Water

Fiesta Island Park , 1258 East Mission Bay Drive , San Diego

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For those of us that have the privilege of access to clean and safe drinking water, walking six kilometers (3.8 miles) a day is simply for exercise or social engagements. To others that do not have that privileged access, families including school-age children get up every morning to walk three kilometers (1.9 miles) one way to a dirty water source such as a lake or river to fill as many jerricans/buckets as they can carry back to their home. This dirty and possibly contaminated water will provide a day's worth of water for drinking, cooking, washing, and bathing.

In honor of World Water Day, please join Water For People for the 2023 Walk for Water San Diego at Fiesta Island (1258 E. Mission Bay Dr. San Diego, CA 92109)

To participate in-person or virtually purchase an eticket to make a donation. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated, all net proceeds go directly to Water For People. Walks will be guided by a Water For People volunteer and depart the starting location by 8:30 a.m.

Additional Information on World Water Day can be found at https://www.worldwaterday.org/ or Water For People https://www.waterforpeople.org/

Admission/Cost: FREE (Donations Welcomed)

Fiesta Island Park
1258 East Mission Bay Drive
San Diego, CA 92109

Saturday, March 18 - 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM