10:30 am - Saturday, March 4

Murals of Southeast San Diego Tour

San Diego

Social Justice and Human Rights Download To My Calendar

During Black History Month, we are devoting our Eco Exchange to honor one of San Diego's Artist Entrepreneurs; Kim Phillips-Pea who is bringing this incredible "Every Drop of Paint Tour" as a way to bring residents of North County to appreciate the Southeastern area of San Diego.

Here is what Kim has to say about "Every Drop of Paint" Tours.

We're kicking things off in February with an up close and personal look at creative energy that has been transformed into magnificent works of public art throughout San Diego neighborhoods where some of the cities most talented artists reside.

**The mural featured in our banner for this event is a project lead by Mario Torero, artist and activist. Learn more here about this one of many murals, Kim will reveal on her "Every Drop of Paint" Tour series.

Admission/Cost: $10 - $20

San Diego Specific Location will be emailed to ticket holders

Saturday, February 25 - 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM