10:00 am - Friday, March 3

Symposium: Artificial Intelligence and Anthropogeny

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The origin of humans is a difficult scientific problem in evolution that is grounded in biology and molded by culture. Recent advances in neuroscience and artificial intelligence have led to synergies and surprising new hypotheses. Mysteries such as the origin of language and human sociality are being illuminated by these advances. This symposium will be explored by researchers at the frontiers of A.I., machine learning, language, and sociality.

“Artificial Intelligence and Anthropogeny,” is the topic of a FREE, virtual public symposium hosted by the UC San Diego/Salk Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) on FRIDAY, Mar. 3, 2023. This online-only event begins at 10:00 a.m. Pacific with LIVE Expert Discussion and Q&A commencing ~ 1:30 p.m. Pacific and is co-chaired by Terry Sejnowski (CARTA External Advisor; Professor and Director of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies) and Patricia Churchland (CARTA Internal Advisor Emerita; Professor Emerita, Dept. of Philosophy, UC San Diego).

For updates regarding the live webcast on FRIDAY, Mar. 3, 2023, follow CARTA’s Twitter (@CARTAUCSD), Facebook (@ucsdcarta), and LinkedIn accounts and/or visit the event page: https://carta.anthropogeny.org/events/artificial-intelligence-and-anthropogeny. For more information, please email: or .

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Online Streaming Event

Friday, March 3 - 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM