12:00 pm - Saturday, November 19

Symposium: Imagining the Future of Anthropogeny

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nonhuman primates (both in captivity and in the wild), molecular & cell biology, neuroscience, and linguistics. New methods in most of these fields, and multi-disciplinary collaborations amongst them, are providing exciting new insights into the complicated evolutionary journey that gave rise to our species and shape us today. Despite this, we remain far from understanding some of the most striking human-specific characteristics: the reasons for our bipedality, the factors selecting for our dexterity at creating and using tools, the true age of fire use in our distant ancestors, the mechanisms (both social and biological) leading to our symbolic capacities: personal names, language, and shared imaginations.

This symposium will feature incoming CARTA advisory committee members and provide them the opportunity to share their visions for the future of anthropogeny. They will each highlight where they hope future efforts should be focused and what type of novel collaborations are most promising for improving our understanding of the human phenomenon.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Online Streaming Event

Saturday, November 19 - 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM