7:00 pm - Wednesday, October 19

Italian Film: La Terra dei Figli (The Land of the Sons)

Digital Gym Cinema, 1100 Market St., San Diego

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The end of civilization has arrived. The apocalypse has wiped out a large part of humanity and the earth has stopped bearing fruit. It is not known what caused this cataclysm, whether it was a nuclear holocaust, a devastating war or a virus that wiped out so much life on our planet. A Father and his Son are among the few survivors. The Son grows up like a wild beast, because the Father thinks this is the only way he can help his child survive in a world where human relationships have become extremely dangerous. When the Father dies, the Son decides to undertake a journey beyond the confines of the sluice and the reservoir, along a mysterious river, moved by the desire to discover the world that was forbidden to him, but above all in search of someone who can read the words written by The Father in a notebook. The Son’s journey will turn into a coming-of-age story, where beauty and wonder have to fight against the darkness of a world which seems implacably hostile.

‍In Italian with English subtitles.

Part of the Italian Film Festival's 2022 feStivale series.

Admission/Cost: $16

Digital Gym
1100 Market St
San Diego, CA 92101

Wednesday, October 19 - 7:00 PM