7:00 pm - Friday, September 30

Asian Pacific Cultural Showcase

Paradise Point Resort & Spa , 1404 Vacation Road , San Diego

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As part of ACMA's commitment to serving our San Diego AANHPI communities in building better equity and empowerment through Arts & Culture, ACMA offers several impactful events yearly that cultivate inclusive opportunities to elevate, celebrate and share our diverse cultures with all San Diegans.

ACMA’s 2nd annual Asian Pacific Cultural Showcase offers such an inspirational and transformative experience for others through traditional AANHPI dance performances & music. This event will feature 12 live performances performed by local artists representing several East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian cultures.Asian Pacific Cultural Showcase’s purpose lies not only in sharing our beautiful heritage and spirit through music & dance, but in fostering strength, unity and solidarity, especially as we are experiencing the ongoing threat of anti-Asian sediment and hate crimes targeting our communities caused by cultural ignorance and fear.

Seating is limited, So RSVP today and reserve your tickets.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Paradise Point Resort & Spa
1404 Vacation Road
San Diego, CA 92109

Friday, September 30 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM