8:00 pm - Saturday, September 24

Presentation: Laurie Egan-Hedley from Barona Cultural Center

Los Penasquitos Ranch House, Canyonside Park Driveway, San Diego

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Laurie Egan-Hedley is the Director and Curator at Barona Cultural Center & Museum, a position she has enjoyed for 14 years! Laurie has a BS in Anthropology from UCR and an MA in Anthropology/Museums Studies from CSU Chico.

Most recently, Barona Cultural Center & Museum opened a 20-minute film on the People’s Creation Story. Traditionally this story took 4 days and nights to tell, so 20 minutes is a very condensed version. The People are proud to share their beliefs and philosophy and their connection to this land through this film. Additionally, the Museum won the Award of Excellence from AASLH on September 16th for the exhibit Laurie curated with the Class of 2021 Barona Indian Charter School 8th grade students entitled, “Peyii ‘Enyeway ‘Esekaayches, We are Still Here,” a timeline look at the People’s history from their perspective.

Laurie looks forward to bringing Kumeyaay game night back to SDAS—play Shahuuk ‘Emaay Sarraap, learn some ‘Iipay Aa, win prizes, and have some fun!

Event by San Diego County Archaeological Society

Admission/Cost: FREE

Los Penasquitos Ranch House
Canyonside Park Driveway
San Diego, CA 92129

Saturday, September 24 - 8:00 PM