9:30 pm - Friday, March 25

Live Stream: Maryam - A Woman of Bethlehem

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Who is Mary/Maryam in 21st century Bethlehem, Palestine? What role does she play in this occupied, politicized land? Mary is the Christian mother of Jesus and Maryam, the Islamic mother of Isa. Two Palestinian actresses play 22 characters, both Christians and Muslims. Through their stories, the everyday lives of Palestinian men and women, particularly women, are revealed. Watch a live stream of the play and then a live Q & A with these guests:

– Dalia Shakhtour and Rufaida Farraj, Palestinian actresses of “Maryam”
– Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala, Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies Director of Madrasa-Midrasha Program at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley
– V. Rev. Fr. Samer Youssef, Doctor of Ministry, M.Div., Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer, Los Altos
– Dr. Arthur Zarate, Assistant Professor of Global Humanities at SJSU
– Dr. Victoria Rue, M.Div., director of “Maryam,” Emerita Lecturer in Comparative Religious Studies

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Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Online Streaming Event

Friday, March 25 - 9:30 PM