10:00 am - Saturday, March 19

San Diego Storytelling Festival

Coronado Public Library, 640 Orange Avenue, Coronado

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The twelfth annual San Diego Storytelling Festival is back and very alive, in person. There is something for everyone who loves a story. The festival kicks off with the teen band, Madame, playing a tapestry of 70's pop, rock, jazz and singer/songwriter tunes, and a Storytelling Games workshop by Aunt Li-Anne.
The festival is in conjunction with World Storytelling Day with the theme of Lost and Found. There is a storytelling session each hour with San Diego stalwarts and invited guests: Chinese Women's Association, with personal stories on bound feet and New Year festivities; military veterans with So Say We all; Dave Drexler of Inside Art with a story memoir workshop.

Performances, workshops, open-mic and more — for adults, families, and kids.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Coronado Public Library
640 Orange Ave.
Coronado, CA

Saturday, March 19 - 10:00 AM