5:30 pm - Sunday, March 13

Mingle at the Mingei

Mingei Museum, Balboa Park, San Diego

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From Camarada:
We are honored to continue our adventure as Artists-In-Residence at the Mingei. Join us for stellar chamber music at the newly reopened, remodeled and extraordinary Mingei International Museum in heart of Balboa Park. Mingle while you browse fantastical exhibitions before the concerts.

In the The Book of Goddesses (flute, harp, percussion) composer Robert Paterson creates his own sound world with styles of music from India, Cuba, Ireland and Greece. Embracing the Wind by Paterson evokes the wind and other earthly elements – reminding us to live our best lives, no matter what the world presents to us.

In this program we will be featuring several composers from south of the border – Omar Acosta, Arturo Márquez, Ignacio Cervantes and Andrés Martin. Their music celebrates life with bold melodies and a playful beat. Alisei by Italian composer Stefano Scodanibbio adds intrigue to the evening. Stefano is described as "a tremendous bassist, a fearless improviser, and a gifted composer.” Join us for a fantastical journey.

Admission/Cost: $45 - $65

Mingei International Museum
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Sunday, March 13 - 5:30 PM