7:00 pm - Friday, February 21

Film: Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice

San Diego

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This film explores the life an dwork of Minoru (Min) Yasui, including his family's WWII experience in Japanese internment camps, s well as his post-war struggle for human and civil rights. Narrated by George Takei. Directed by Will Doollittle and Holly Yasui.

The international Film Series is co-sponsored by the MiraCosta College International and Film departments. All films are presented in the original language with English subtitles. Admission is free. Sorry, no food or drink allowed in the Theatre.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Room OC3601 (Little Theatre)
1 Barnard Dr.
MiraCosta College
Oceanside, CA

Friday, February 21 - 7:00 PM